Welcome to the Tommyverse
Hi, I'm Thomas and this is my personal website.
I developed this website in the summer of 2024, using Jekyll, GitHub Pages, and Tachyons CSS with the help of ChatGPT. Making this website without any CMS was a great learning experience.
As you can see, blog is written with a small b. I decided to go with the small b after reading the post Small b blogging by Tom Critchlow. His work and many of what he has written, inspired me to launch this personal website.
This website will be a work in progress, and blog posts will be irregular.

Recent posts
Some thoughts about campaigns
Understanding demand gen (2)
Reflections on 2024
Understanding demand gen
New role: Growth Product Manager @ Funnel
SEO is more than only content distribution (I was wrong)
The message is the message
Ad Creatives: what makes a good ad?
Building brand
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