Trying to reflect back on 2024, professionally and personally, and the only thing that matters, the only thing I can write about here, is becoming a parent.
It’s a cliché, but so true, that once you become a parent, everything else starts to matter a lot less. At least for me, that has certainly been the case.
Work-wise, 2024 has been a good year. Highlights include the trip to the Product Marketing Summit in San Francisco in September and being promoted to Growth Product Manager in December. But when I think about the past 12 months, the personal milestones — getting married and becoming a parent — come to mind first.
The first few weeks after our daughter was born were intense. I explained to a friend that being a parent felt like one third tiredness, one third worry, and one third happiness. Now, eight weeks in, that balance has shifted. The happiness is a larger part of the whole. I feel more like a proud dad and less like a sleep-deprived new parent.
This shift has also made me reflect on how deeply connected work and personal life are. Stress from work impacts home life, and thriving at work isn’t just about personal ambitions or ego anymore. It’s about providing for our daughter and giving her the opportunities I dream of for her.
The next two months, I’ll be taking parental leave (one of the perks of living in Sweden is that fathers can take up to six months of paid leave, just like mothers). I’m looking forward to being home more, spending time with my family, and watching our daughter grow.
For now, wishing everyone a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.